Capital and Kyiv region children unite on World Children’s Day to honor those lost during 1000 days of war

On World Children's Day, nearly one thousand children from the capital and Kyiv region joined together to commemorate the young lives lost during the 1000 days of war.

UNN reported that.

On November 20, World Children's Day, the capital held an event called "The Light of Memory and Hope Unites Us."

This event was organized at the State Boarding Lyceum "Cadet Corps" to honor the memory of children who died during the 1000 days of war.

Students of:

  • Lyceum No. 3 of the city of Irpin,
  • Lyceum No. 1 of the village of Kotsiubynske also joined the charity event.

The director of the boarding school, Nataliia Holovikhina, noted:

"Today's event is dedicated to the World Children's Day and 1000 days of this terrible war. The children showed with their actions that our lyceum is a territory of goodness, happiness, and peace.

Today is the day on which we wanted to remind the whole world and Ukrainians that a cruel war continues. It is painful to watch a child remember a child who died. We all want peace, every Ukrainian child wants peace."

The schoolchildren united and simultaneously lit lamps in the form of the number 659 – the number of little Ukrainians who died as a result of Russian aggression.

The opening of the charity event began with the Residence of St. Nicholas and the Workshop of Good Deeds in the shelter of the boarding school.

The students could write letters to St. Nicholas with wishes for Ukraine.

In addition, schoolchildren were included in master classes to create patriotic T-shirts.

The children could create candles and greeting cards for the military, which volunteers will hand over.

An essential part of the event was also the laying of a time capsule in which the children left a message for future generations.

"Considering that we have a full-time school, unfortunately, we are often in the shelter. Therefore, we decided that now the shelter and St. Nicholas are more relevant than ever for every child because everyone has the same dream, and dreams should be bright.

And children should write about these dreams, create something, and most importantly, believe in and realize them," shared Tetiana Tsesarenko, the State Boarding Lyceum "Cadet Corps" deputy director.

The State Boarding Lyceum "Cadet Corps" has hosted similar events in the past. According to the institution's administration, they regularly arrange in-person and virtual gatherings and maintain communication with schools in Ukraine and internationally.

Rubryka's photojournalist, Mykola Tymchenko, was present at the event.

In honor of World Children's Day, Rubryka has also put together content on dangers to the well-being of Ukrainian children.

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