The Ministry of Environment reported that on Telegram.
As noted, among the presented projects are solutions for:
"Eight leading Ukrainian cleantech companies and green export leaders presented their innovative technologies at the UN Climate Change Conference COP29. All of these companies were created and operate in Ukraine, but have representative offices in other countries, where they act as ambassadors of Ukrainian climate solutions," the department emphasized.
Companies that participated in the event:
All companies are grantees of the EBRD/EU Climate Innovation Vouchers program, which the Greencubator NGO has implemented since 2017. This program is one of the largest grant initiatives in Ukraine aimed at supporting climate innovators.
In addition to the presentations, startup participants joined the panel discussion "Climate Innovations that Contribute to Global Sustainability." Journalists, politicians, and international experts attended the discussion.
For reference:
The 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP) will be held in Baku from November 11 to 22. This year, the Ukrainian pavilion focuses on the recovery theme – its walls are made of ecological paper with living seeds. After the conference, fragments of the walls will be planted in Ukraine's partner countries to symbolize joint actions that will grow into the future.
At the UN climate conference (COP29), Ukrainian organizations showcased a 3D installation featuring "real reality glasses" depicting the impact of Russian environmental crimes on Ukraine and the world.
Wearing "reality glasses" at the conference, guests could witness the true impact of the war on the environment. This included the death of dolphins in the Black Sea, forest fires, animal casualties, the demolition of the Kakhovka HPP dam, attacks on the Ukrainian power grid, and the looming danger of a nuclear explosion at the NPP.
This installation utilizes 360⁰ technologies, VR glasses, and stereo sound to create an immersive experience. Its purpose is to allow viewers to witness the daily disasters caused by Russian aggression in Ukraine.
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