Rubryka reports with reference to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs. This figure is included in the draft Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2025," which the Cabinet of Ministers approved for its second reading.
Key allocations include:
Additionally, the draft budget outlines subventions from the state to local budgets for specific initiatives:
These measures aim to enhance support for veterans and their families while improving infrastructure and services dedicated to their needs.
The draft Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2025" outlines seven types of expenditures to implement veteran policies based on departmental and program classifications.
In addition to budget allocations, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, in collaboration with other state bodies, will carry out joint programs to address veterans' needs. International technical assistance will also be a key resource for off-budget projects within the veteran policy framework.
It was earlier reported that Ukraine is set to introduce special conditions to support veteran entrepreneurs, providing preferences to help them start and manage businesses.
Notable initiatives include:
A recent study revealed an 82% increase in job vacancies for veterans in Ukraine this year. However, management positions remain scarce.
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