The Ministry of Education and Science reported that.
What is the problem?
As the department has pointed out, volunteering is crucial for public activism and offers valuable educational experiences for young people.
Through participation in volunteer activities, students gain an understanding of the needs and issues within their community. They also cultivate empathy and a sense of responsibility for effecting positive change in their surroundings.
What is the solution?
The volunteering lesson is an educational program designed to familiarize students with the fundamentals of volunteering. Over 120,000 pupils attended the program during the previous academic year, and following teacher feedback, a revised curriculum has been created to cater to younger grade levels.
How does it work?
The school lesson of volunteering is an educational program implemented as a lesson for students in grades 5-11.
The purpose of the lesson is to explain volunteering and inspire students to take an active part in volunteering initiatives and to get involved in solving social problems in their city, community, and country.
Teachers, tutors, youth workers, volunteers, and activists can conduct lessons. All the materials needed for these lessons are available for download on the website.
For reference:
It should be noted that the charity project Behind Blue Eyes released a documentary that calls on creative people to teach children in the war-affected regions.
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