Ukraine adds 27 elements to its list of intangible heritage, including traditions, rituals, and dishes

Over the past year, 27 new items were added to the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine, bringing the total number of positions to 93. The list encompasses many traditional dishes, folk rites, and decorative and applied arts techniques.

The Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications reports this.

The list of newly added elements was unveiled before the All-Ukrainian Day of Culture Workers and Folk Art Masters as part of the #StrengthofCulture initiative. Between November 7, 2023, and November 7, 2024, 27 items were included.

Photo: Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications

The customs of "Chasing Vipers" and weaving a wedding braid, the traditions of preparing and enjoying traditional dishes such as cabbage rolls with potatoes, creating Obukhiv "stitched" towels, Kobolchyn ceramics, and many others serve as the cultural identity of Ukrainians.

Photo: Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications

"Each element serves as a brick in our nation's sturdy identity wall. While they may seem small and humble on their own, together they form an unbreakable foundation that endures the test of time and remains resilient in the face of any obstacles," the ministry wrote.

Henceforth, the inclusion of various items such as cabbage rolls, the long-standing Ukrainian practice of Generous Evening, the coffee tradition of the Crimean Tatars, Hutsul cheese toys, Horodotska embroidery, and other similar cultural elements have been incorporated into the list.

Photo: Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications

For reference:

The National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine is an official state information system responsible for gathering, consolidating, analyzing, and safeguarding data about the various elements of intangible cultural heritage present within Ukraine's geographical boundaries.

The main goal of the project is to preserve Ukrainian traditions. The list has been kept since December 14, 2012.

Earlier, the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications added to the National List of Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage the tradition of preparing and consuming ceremonial bread for St. George's Day in the village of Krynychne.

Photo: Oleksandr Baron

Rubryka previously wrote that the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications added six new elements to the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine:

In June, the dance "Serben," performed by residents of the village of Chortovets in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, was added to the list of intangible heritage of Ukraine.

In February, four new elements were simultaneously included: the Crimean Tatar tradition, the coffee ritual, the "Haytarma" dance of the Crimean Tatars, and the "Zozulia" porridge from the Vinnytsia region. The list also included the practice of preparing grout in the village of Kryva Luka in the Donetsk region. The latter involves salting wheat dough without kneading it and grinding it to pea- or bean-sized pieces.

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