According to Ukrinform, this digital platform was created with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine in France.
The event was attended by representatives of about 80 associations and French partners.
"Now, more than ever, we need unity, unity through communication. The Ukrainian community in France needs to renew its energy, accumulate the necessary resources together, maintain optimism, and work together for the good of Ukraine, as in the first days of the war," the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to France Vadym Omelchenko emphasized the need to create such a platform.
This online resource aims to connect French supporters of Ukraine with local civic organizations that promote Ukrainian culture and preserve national identity.
The developers said they would post events and project announcements to support Ukraine on the platform. This will help to increase awareness and engage a diverse audience in efforts to assist Ukraine.
It is also possible to organize voting and polls; for example, associations will soon be able to nominate their candidates for the election for the head of the Youth Council of France.
The association's conference in Paris also aimed to combat pro-Russian beliefs and promote interregional cooperation. This involved collaborative economic initiatives and the establishment of twinning partnerships between regions in France and Ukraine.
For reference:
It should be noted that with the support of France, two rehabilitation centers will be opened in Ukraine for children whom Russia abducted during the full-scale war but later returned to their homeland.
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