
Solutions to win: defense ministry tests winter uniforms for women and adopts inclusivity elements

According to a recent meeting led by Brigadier General of Justice Serhii Melnyk, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense has initiated trials for new types of women's uniforms, specifically demi-season and winter options, as part of its efforts towards inclusivity and accessibility.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that.

What is the problem?

Today, Ukraine has many women in the Armed Forces, even among NATO member countries. The number of female military personnel in the armies of NATO member countries ranges from 0.3% to 20%. In the USA, for example, 17%, Great Britain — 11%, Poland — 7%, Denmark — 8%, Estonia — 10%, etc. Ukrainian Armed Forces have 9% of women, more than 70,000 female military personnel.

At the same time, the availability of appropriate clothing and underwear was still a glaring issue for the military's female personnel. Uniforms had been designed for men, and alternatives for women simply did not exist. Women joining the military were given male uniforms, which caused discomfort, inconveniences, and a feeling of unfairness.

Moreover, the need for inclusivity in the military has become more critical than ever. Many soldiers have been wounded in the line of duty, and their sacrifices deserve recognition and support. One way to show solidarity and support for these brave soldiers is by incorporating inclusivity elements into their uniforms.

First and foremost, adopting inclusivity elements in the uniforms of wounded Ukrainian soldiers sends a powerful message of acceptance and appreciation.

Additionally, incorporating inclusivity elements into the uniform can also be a practical and functional solution. Due to their injuries, wounded soldiers often have specific needs and limitations, and having a uniform that accommodates those needs can greatly improve their comfort and functionality.

What is the solution?

The Ministry of Defense has stated that field trials for women's demi-season uniforms are underway. The initial prototypes of the winter uniform are being prepared for scientific and research testing.

"The introduction of women's form is important, in particular, because the dimensional grid of the form for men is not relevant for women," Serhii Melnyk said.

At the same time, he added that the process is slowing down due to manufacturers' low interest in providing test samples for the tests necessary to develop technical conditions for production.

The Ministry also considers the results of testing summer uniforms and underwear in field conditions. Based on the feedback of female military personnel, changes to the technical conditions of certain elements of military clothing are already planned.

Serhii Melnyk emphasized the need to provide women's bulletproof vests that would meet the protection requirements while reducing the weight of armor plates.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

In addition, the Ministry of Defense launched the "Wounded Package" project this year and is currently working on developing adaptive clothing requirements for injured soldiers.

According to the plan, starting in 2025, a set of such clothes will be issued irrevocably and free of charge at stabilization points and during inpatient treatment. The project covers all units of the Defense and Security Forces. Therefore, an interdepartmental agreement is required, and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine must adopt a relevant resolution.

In addition, as part of implementing Ukraine's National Barrier-Free Strategy, the Ministry of Defense will reconstruct part of its buildings by the end of 2024.

"For this year, we have planned and funded work for ten medical facilities under the Ministry of Defense. We will be building and installing elevators, ramps, and other necessary equipment to improve the quality of life for disabled service members. In fact, we are already planning to continue in this direction next year," Serhii Melnyk noted.

The Deputy Minister of Defense added that a list of the Ministry's facilities that will be reconstructed in 2025 is being formed, as well as the dates for the start and completion of works and sources of funding are being determined.

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