Rubryka writes about this with reference to the SOLO for Diamonds team.
SOLO for Diamonds, a jewelry brand that uses diamonds grown in Ukraine, has launched a new charity project called SOLO by Superhumans, celebrating the unbreakable power of love. In collaboration with Anastasiia and Oleksii, two incredible individuals, the SOLO for Diamonds brand has designed unique wedding rings adorned with black diamonds, representing everlasting love and commitment.
The project was launched with the slogan, "Love is always on time." It showcased the story of Anastasiia, also known as sniper Phoenix, and Oleksii, the platoon leader, who first crossed paths during their rehabilitation. This encounter marked the start of a new chapter in their lives, and from then on, they were inseparable. They journeyed through rehabilitation together, providing mutual support, conquering their fears, and rekindling their passion for life.
The SOLO by Superhumans project has a charitable component—50% of the profit from the sale of the rings will be donated to the Superhumans rehabilitation center for prosthetics.
"In addition to our global charitable mission for the project, which involves donating50% of the profits from the sale of jewelry designed by Superhumans heroes, we also wanted to bring joy to the heroes on a more personal level. We captured the beautiful love story of Anastasiia and Oleksii, showcasing their strong feelings and passion for life. The Superhumans transformed into superheroes, enduring difficult tasks such as hanging upside down, filming in extreme heat, and even falling off a horse. Despite these challenges, they were overjoyed to experience these moments and express their superpowers through love," the founder of the SOLO for Diamonds brand, Yuliia Kusher, said.
One can become familiar with rings featuring mature black diamonds on both the website and in-store.
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