Russian equipment losses on battlefield reach two-year high in October

In October 2024, the Russian military experienced unprecedented equipment losses on the front lines during the final two years of their full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This can be attributed to the rapid pace of the invading forces' offensive.

The Russian independent publication "Agentstvo" reported that.

Based on the publication's analysis of the Oryx project, the Russian military experienced a higher number of losses in armored vehicles, planes, helicopters, and other equipment in October than in any month since October 2022, when they were withdrawing from the Kharkiv region.

In particular, since October 1, the Russian army has lost 695 pieces of equipment destroyed, damaged, thrown on the battlefield, or captured by the enemy. The lost equipment included:

  • 253 armored infantry vehicles,
  • 103 tanks,
  • 41 armored personnel carriers,
  • four aircraft (two Su-25 and two Su-34),
  • one helicopter (Mi-28).

The Russian military experienced even higher monthly casualties than in October 2024, precisely two years ago. In October 2022, the Russian army lost 1,032 units of weaponry. Earlier, on September 2022, saw a record-breaking loss of 1,179 pieces of equipment – the highest number throughout the entire war.

According to Oryx data:

  • In October, the Russian army lost 276 pieces of equipment, including 47 armored personnel carriers, 28 BMPs, 21 tanks and one aircraft (Su-24M).
  • At the same time, in September, Russian equipment losses amounted to 547 units, 434 in August, 584 in July, and 576 in June.

In August, the Ukrainian military started experiencing higher equipment losses due to the operation in the Kursk region. In the initial month of the incursion, 219 equipment units were lost, followed by 253 in September and 276 in October. Comparatively, Ukraine's armed forces lost 167 equipment units in July and in June – 92.

The rise in equipment losses can be attributed to the swift advancement of the Russian army in October. In just the past week, they have taken control of more land in eastern Ukraine than in any other period this year. This adds to the territory already gained during the intense summer offensive, which resulted in significant casualties among Russian soldiers and equipment.

Project Oryx is a new system created to monitor and examine military casualties in different conflicts, focusing on verifiable visual evidence. Its primary function is to include only confirmed losses, such as destroyed, damaged, or captured military assets, with accompanying photos or videos in their database.

For reference:

At the moment, Ukraine's military is holding back a significant offensive by Russian troops, which is one of the strongest attacks made by the occupying forces since the start of the full-scale war.

Russian troops near Kurakhovo are attacking Ukraine's armed forces with columns of equipment. Ukrainian soldiers burn them together with enemy landing forces.

Simultaneously, Russian troops have taken control of the villages of Kurakhivka and Shakhtarske in the Donetsk region along the Kurakhovo front. The invaders have now reached the outskirts of Kurakhovo, the primary target of their advance in this part of the front.

The Russian army is gaining momentum in its push into eastern Ukraine, seizing more land last week than in any other week of 2024.

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