Second Rheinmetall military plant’s construction nears completion in Ukraine – Rutte

The German defense company Rheinmetall is finishing the construction of its second military facility in Ukraine. In total, Rheinmetall aims to establish four factories in the country, which will further fortify the Ukrainian defense sector.

During a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, NATO Secretary Mark Rutte announced this.

"Rheinmetall has just opened the first plant in Ukraine. The construction of the second plant will be completed soon," the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance said.

Rutte emphasized that the development of the defense industry is an essential element for the security of Europe and Ukraine.

The NATO Secretary General also emphasized that expanding Rheinmetall's production, including ammunition production, is strategically significant for the Alliance and its European partners. Since 2022, the company has significantly increased the production of military equipment.

It should be noted that Rheinmetall AG is one of the largest manufacturers of military equipment and weapons in Europe, ranking 29th in the world in terms of sales of military products.

For reference:

It should be noted that the Federal Antimonopoly Office of Germany allowed Rheinmetall to create a joint venture with Ukraine at the end of September. The company was reported to be based in Kyiv.

It was also previously reported that the German concern Rheinmetall was negotiating the construction of a tank plant in Ukraine.

On June 11, it was announced that the Ukrainian Defense Industry and Rheinmetall had commenced their first joint workshop in Ukraine to repair and manufacture armored vehicles.

It is important to note that Rheinmetall was actively helping Ukraine in the war against Russia by supplying ammunition and various equipment. In particular, the concern recently received a new order for artillery shells for Ukraine.

The Rheinmetall concern will build four weapons production plants in Ukraine in total. One of them is already working.

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