He said this on TV, commenting on the information published by several mass media outlets regarding the alleged negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the cessation of energy strikes.
"These so-called 'Ukraine-Russia' negotiations, as described, are definitely not true. Here's what's actually happening: we've held thematic conferences. The first conference was on energy security, held online, with Qatar as a co-organizer. During this conference, we established principles related to this point of the Peace Formula. Many countries participated," Yermak said.
When asked whether a Russian delegation was present at these conferences, Yermak emphasized, "No, no, all these thematic conferences exclude Russia."
"There were many countries from different continents involved. Once the conferences were over and we established the principles, we noted that, for instance, if Qatar or another country is willing to implement these agreements through separate agreements with Ukraine and separately with the Russian Federation, they are welcome to do so. The same situation applies to food security. Turkey previously facilitated the grain corridor for a year with two separate agreements: 'Turkiye – United Nations – Ukraine' and 'Turkiye – United Nations – Russia.' We made it clear: if they are ready, they may proceed. What was important for us was that the conference took place and principles were established. If anyone feels ready to implement the conference's outcomes within this framework, they are welcome to do so. As far as I know, no agreements have been made yet. If such agreements are reached, Ukraine is prepared to consider them, as this fully aligns with the principles outlined in Ukraine's Peace Formula. All this talk seems to be, perhaps, a reaction to the thematic conferences, but I can certainly say that Ukraine is not holding any negotiations with Russia," Yermak emphasized.
To the journalist's clarification whether the partners demanded Ukraine not to hit certain objects on the territory of the Russian Federation, the head of the Office of the President replied:
"Let's put it this way. No one has demanded anything from us. However, we know that countries would support, for example, in terms of energy security if Qatar or another country brokered two such agreements. I know countries would support this."
As Yermak explained, the countries would support it "not primarily out of concern for what happens to Russia, but understanding that it's also important for us that our energy system isn't under constant attack."
For reference:
As reported earlier, several mass media outlets reported that Ukraine and Russia are allegedly negotiating a mutual cessation of strikes on energy infrastructure facilities.
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