Partners and supporters of the university's programs in Dnipro, honorary representatives of the authorities, community and society leaders, as well as the AUK team gathered at the solemn event at the Menorah Center to congratulate the first AUK master's students in Dnipro on this significant occasion.
In 2024, AUK expanded its educational horizons and opened the American master's programs in Global Management and Technology Leadership&AI in Dnipro. This significant milestone was made possible by the collaboration of Dnipro's business communities, including INSPIRA business club, LEAD, and IТ Dnipro Community, who supported talented Dnipro specialists in their pursuit of higher education according to American standards of education.
Announcing the start of the project, AUK President Dan Rice emphasized, "We are confident that investments in education and the development of Ukraine's human capital are the cornerstone and a powerful impetus for the formation of responsible leaders who will ensure Ukraine's recovery and prosperity."
Borys Markov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO of ATB Corporation, and Co-Founder of INSPIRA Business Club, underscoring the project's importance for the area stressed, "We are conscious that educated professionals with Western business approaches and a thorough awareness of the multicultural environment and worldwide business context are necessary for the region's and the nation's further recovery and development. It is the skills that modern education according to American standards, recognized as one of the most effective in the world, provides."
Mykola Demchenko, co-founder of law firm "Prave Dilo", co-founder of Clarity Project, "American educational system has proven its leadership in the world. For this reason, we were happy to encourage the development of AUK academic programs in Dnipro. The managers of our regional businesses can now enroll in educational programs similar to those offered by Arizona State University without having to travel overseas."
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