This was announced by Oleksii Petrov, the director of the state enterprise "Spetstechnoexport."
Petrov noted that the creation of Ukrainian missiles has been made possible through the active involvement of both state and private enterprises. He emphasized, "It was a smart decision to remove the monopoly on the rocket industry."
According to Petrov, Ukraine will have its cruise and ballistic missiles ready by the middle of 2025, and flight tests have already been conducted with promising results.
Overview of missile development in Ukraine
Ukraine has made significant strides in missile development, particularly with the new missile-drone "Palianytsia," which took a year and a half to develop. Launched from a ground-based installation, this missile can target several dozen Russian military airports within its range.
Recently, the President of Ukraine showcased the "Palianytsia" for the first time, although the military has not disclosed key characteristics such as its range, warhead, or production numbers. It's worth noting that allies have restricted the use of their weapons in this context.
To advance its missile capabilities, Ukraine has initiated a grant program for private rocket projects, invested in state design bureaus, and deregulated the industry to stimulate growth. The "Palianytsia" represents the first tangible outcome of these efforts.
Additionally, Romania is exploring the possibility of collaborating with Ukraine on the development and production of domestic R-360 Neptune anti-ship missiles. Ukraine is also working on modernizing the Neptune missiles to extend their range to targets up to a thousand kilometers, significantly enhancing their effectiveness for both nations.
Moreover, Ukraine is in the process of developing a new high-precision GPS-guided munition, which boasts unique technical specifications and the capability to cover substantial distances.
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