Ukraine opens first reintegration center for military personnel freed from Russian captivity

Ukraine has established its first specialized reintegration center for servicemen who have returned from captivity. Located in the central region, this facility marks a significant step in supporting defenders who have endured severe hardships and need comprehensive assistance to readjust to everyday life.

The Ministry of Health announced the center's creation, with further details provided by Defense Minister Rustem Umerov.

According to Umerov, the Reintegration Center provides military personnel with medical, rehabilitation, and psychological services. This holistic approach aims to fully support their health and mental well-being as they recover from captivity.

The center also assists with processing necessary documents, easing servicemen's reintegration into society and return to peaceful life.

Initially, the center is set up to accommodate 100 individuals, but Umyerov mentioned plans for expansion to 200 or more beds dedicated to rehabilitation.

Feedback from both servicemen and medical staff has already been gathered, allowing the center to improve and adapt its services for the most effective support possible.

All proposals will be reviewed by the Health Department within the Ministry of Defense.

"This marks a new phase in our work, and we're improving it daily in collaboration with the Office of the President, the Government, and specialized departments," emphasized the head of the defense department.

To recall, the Ministerial Conference on the Human Dimension of the Peace Formula recently took place in Montreal, where participants approved a Joint Communiqué. The participating countries committed to supporting the return of all captured and deported Ukrainian citizens.

Additionally, rehabilitation classes for Ukrainian military personnel are being held at a sports center in Amsterdam, where servicemen practice rock climbing on a 15-meter wall using prosthetics.

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