Russian-occupied ZNPP reactor experiences water leak issue – IAEA

A water leak was discovered in the pulse line at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). Repair work is currently underway to address the issue.

The IAEA reported this.

The IAEA reported that on Tuesday, October 29, it received information about a water leak in the coolant system of one of the reactors at the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

After evaluating the situation, professionals commenced the repair process. They are currently conducting radiographic examinations of the welds to guarantee their dependability.

"The agency will continue to monitor this issue closely. Although we do not see any immediate problems for nuclear safety," Director General Rafael Grossi said.

In October of this year, for the second time in a month, ZNPP lost access to the only 330 kV backup power line, which is critically needed for its reliable operation.

It should be noted that if the plant is disconnected from external power at the Zaporizhzhia NPP, another complete blackout will occur, threatening radiation safety.

For reference:

It is worth mentioning that the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is the biggest in Europe and was seized in the initial weeks of the full-scale Russian invasion.

The Russians transformed the nuclear power plant into a military facility, with soldiers and equipment stationed there. They also planted mines around the area. Ukrainian workers are employed at the NPP, but the Russians have brought their own "managers" from Moscow. The ZNPP is also being monitored by the IAEA.

In the spring of 2024, it was revealed that the Russians had established a military base on the ZNPP's territory. Among the soldiers present were members of the Chechen unit of the Russian Guard, known as "Akhmat." The invaders had also established a military unit for the Russian Guard within the occupied ZNPP area.

On September 20, the IAEA adopted a resolution on nuclear safety in Ukraine at its general conference. Russia was called upon to immediately de-occupy the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

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