Rubryka informs about this.
What is the problem?
Amid the ongoing war, Ukrainian society is experiencing a shift that impacts both its national identity and the development of a new type of democracy. In the face of a war in the heart of Europe that destabilizes global systems, one must ask: how can democracy be upheld and fortified during times of turmoil?
This issue is particularly pertinent for Ukraine, as it is actively fighting for freedom, especially against its pursuit of European integration and dedication to democratic values. Not only Ukrainians are seeking answers, but the entire democratic world is closely observing Ukraine's experience and the valuable lessons it presents.
What is the solution?
The forum "Democracy in Times of War: Ukraine's Experience and Lessons for the World" will take place on November 1, 2024. It will provide a platform to discuss strategies for promoting democracy in times of crisis. Prominent figures such as Ukrainian and international experts, politicians, scientists, human rights advocates, and activists will gather to examine the challenges posed to the democratic legal system and the progress of Ukrainian society.
The forum will include three key panels:
Useful experience for the world
This event will serve as a platform for dialogue and concrete decisions on how Ukrainian society can serve as a model for other nations. Conversations between Ukrainian and international speakers will offer practical tools and ideas to uphold democracy even in the most challenging circumstances.
The forum's speakers include Ruslan Stefanchuk, Katarina Mathernova, Olha Lymar, Oleksandra Matviichuk, Roman Lozynskyi, and other influential figures and experts from various fields.
Read the full program and the list of participants at the link: Program_DEMOCRACY DURING WAR_01/11/2024
A special presentation of the report about the state of Ukrainian democratic institutions, created in collaboration between Democracy Reporting International, the Public Union Reanimation Package of Reforms Coalition, and the Center for Political and Legal Reforms, will offer participants valuable insights.
How to join the Forum?
The forum will offer participants a platform to exchange experiences and support Ukrainian society in strengthening its democratic institutions, even during challenging times.
For reference:
The Reanimation Package of Reforms Coalition, in partnership with the Center for Political and Legal Reforms and Democracy Reporting International (DRI), organized the event as part of the "Democratic Integration, Sustainability and Involvement" (Ukraine-DARE) project.
This project is being implemented with funding from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany. The opinions and views shared at the event do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.
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