Eco-solutions: Kyiv digitizes over 280,000 trees

Kyiv is conducting an inventory and digitizing its green spaces listed on the official balance sheet. As of October 29, over 280,000 trees have already been digitized as part of this effort.

The director of the Department of Environmental Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change of the Kyiv City Military Administration, Oleksandr Vozny, stated this.

What is the problem?

Trees in urban areas are routinely removed for new development projects, such as constructing small architectural structures or expanding the territory of existing buildings to create terraces.

Previously, determining the balance of these trees was not feasible. However, the Kyiv City Military Administration is currently compiling the "Map of Trees" for the capital.

What is the solution?

The Kyiv City Military Administration has developed an online tree map to conduct a comprehensive inventory of trees in the capital and track their conditions. This tool also serves as a means for the community to monitor and manage the trees effectively. Development of the map began in 2021 but was temporarily suspended due to security concerns during a full-scale war. It resumed in April of the current year.

As of October 29, more than 280,000 trees have already been digitized in Kyiv.

How does it work?

"We plan to publish an online map of trees by the end of this year. At the same time, we have to consider martial law conditions, so currently, consultations are ongoing with the relevant structural divisions of the Kyiv City Military Administration and law enforcement agencies on how to do this safely," Vozny said.

Photo: the Kyiv City Military Administration

The online map will contain a photo of each tree on the city's balance sheet and information about its location, species, trunk diameter, and height.

Online map of trees in Kyiv. Source: Oleksandr Vozny

Additionally, tree-nature monuments will be indicated separately on the map, accompanied by relevant reference details.

"Kyiv is the first city in Ukraine to undertake a magnitude project involving hundreds of thousands of green spaces. Our utilities have already digitized trees lining the streets in all districts and in most parks and squares," Vozny added.

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