reports this.
What is the problem?
As Ksenia pointed out, the older generation is already adjusting to the changing times. An increasing number of seniors are now using social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, seeking inspiration on Pinterest, and even selling products on Etsy.
"Their lives are full, and sometimes it just depends on our readiness and openness to embrace them, not the other way around," she says.
What is the solution?
The marketer says that the idea originated as a joke, but it received support and gained popularity.
"I thought this idea was just cute. The joke went even further thanks to the logo (with a direct reference to the AirB'n'B logo), the phonetically ambiguous name, and the promise to make the MVP of the project if the LinkedIn post gets a thousand likes," Kseniia says.
In the comments, many individuals showed their enthusiasm for the project and mentioned their interest in contributing to both the development of the MVP and introducing their grandmothers and mothers to the platform as users.
Photo: LinkedIn
How does it work?
The project went beyond the typical market setting. Kseniia made "yeBabusia" into an educational platform where participants could learn the process of developing startups from conception to execution. The participants were given the opportunity to experience the full journey of a startup, including market research and interviews, designing prototypes, and implementing an effective marketing strategy.
The project has already received more than 110 applications from those who wish to join. Among them are product managers, designers, developers, and marketers who are ready to work on various aspects of the platform.
"This project is already filled with a variety of unique and intriguing challenges to tackle, from addressing fraud prevention to improving the user experience for older individuals who may struggle with technological advancements and rarely use top-of-the-line smartphones or computers to consider the interest and demand from the "grandchildren" demographic. With all of these tasks at hand, the project becomes even more fascinating," Kseniia says.
Kseniia's hope is that the "yeBabusia" project will be successful and become a helpful resource for integrating the older generation into today's society.
"We are hopeful that the project will commence by the end of November and can be finished within a span of 10 weeks," she says.
However, just like any other startup, there's no guarantee that the concept will be viable after launching or during the validation process, according to the marketer.
"In terms of relationships between generations, everyone benefits – the elderly are able to stay connected to modern society, and the youth are able to challenge their preconceived notions about the elderly," the expert emphasizes.
For reference:
It is worth mentioning that the creators of VyshyvAI are getting ready to launch their product, which will enable the creation of custom-embroidered shirts with significant symbolism.
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