The First US-Ukraine Media School: How the Institute of American studies trains Ukrainian journalists to cover US Elections

On October 12–13, 2024, the first US-Ukraine Media School took place in Kyiv, organized by the Institute of American Studies with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. The event brought together over 20 experts, journalists, and politicians from Ukraine and the United States, who shared their expertise with 117 participants, including 35 representatives of regional media.

During the event, Ukrainian journalists gained practical knowledge on covering the U.S. presidential elections: how to analyze electoral processes, avoid manipulations with sensational headlines and statistics, and effectively report on parliamentary diplomacy and international aid. Vladyslav Faraponov, Chairman of the Institute of American Studies, provided detailed explanations of the U.S. political system and the role of international cooperation in ensuring transparent elections.

One of the key speakers, Christian Caryl, a former editor at The Washington Post, emphasized the importance of focusing on the resilience and creativity of Ukrainians while avoiding the "victim" narrative. He also stressed that using the term "freedom" in materials for the American audience resonates more strongly than the abstract concept of "democracy."

Anna Shvetsova, Executive Director of the Ukraine Freedom Project, and Pavlo Unguryan, a representative of the Christian platform for Ukrainian-American partnership, highlighted the significance of religious aspects in communication with Americans. They noted that emphasizing Ukraine's thousand-year Christian heritage can become a crucial factor in fostering dialogue with religious communities in the United States.

Political journalist Yulia Zabelina suggested practical ideas for strengthening collaboration with American media, such as creating informational digests, holding online conferences, and establishing connections with journalists from sister cities.

The US-Ukraine Media School became an essential platform for enhancing the professional skills of Ukrainian journalists and strengthening ties between Kyiv and Washington. The Institute of American Studies plans to make this initiative a regular platform for experience sharing and professional development.

The Institute of American Studies implemented the US-Ukraine Media School with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. The views expressed by the speakers do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. government.

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