The Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine reported that.
The exposition presents works from the collection of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Art Museum.
The event was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine and the Ministry of Culture of Lithuania. Among the guests of honor were the Ambassador of Ukraine to Lithuania, Petro Beshta, the director of the Lithuanian National Art Museum, Arūnas Gelūnas, the director of the Zaporizhzhia Art Museum, Inha Yankovych, the director of the Lviv National Art Gallery named after Voznytskyi, Taras Vozniak, and other cultural figures.
Visitors saw 60 pieces of the 100 works rescued from the Zaporizhzhia Museum during the war.
The exhibit will be displayed at the Vytautas Kasiulis Art Museum until March 2, 2025. Afterward, it will be showcased at the Prano Domšaitis Gallery in Klaipėda in May, featuring additional new works.
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