The Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands reported that on its website.
"Dutch company DeltaQuad will supply Ukraine with modern drones for surveillance and reconnaissance. The Ministry of Defense will purchase drones for the amount of 42.6 million euros," the report reads.
As they emphasize, this is the first concrete step in implementing the Action Plan on drones, which Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans announced during his visit to Ukraine in October 2024.
"Unarmed ISR drones can fly over long distances. They are used to obtain information from the battlefield in real-time, gather intelligence, and conduct surveillance," the statement said.
The department stresses that purchasing these drones is part of a €400 million implementation plan, and more than 50% of these funds fall to the Dutch industry. The purchase from DeltaQuad is part of those funds.
"This order from DeltaQuad is an important and concrete step in our action plan. Ukraine needs modern drones that can be delivered in the shortest possible time. It is good that the Dutch industry can contribute to this," the ministry noted.
They note that information about the number and types of drones and delivery schedules is not disclosed for security reasons.
Also, as Rubryka wrote, the Netherlands plans to allocate another 271 million euros for military aid to Ukraine, which will be used to purchase artillery shells.
For reference:
In the coming weeks, France will hand over its attack drones, the first such development of Paris, to the Ukrainian Defense Forces.
Lithuania also plans to increase investments in producing long-range drones for Ukraine.
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