"Podrobytsi" reports this.
The latest reports state that the initial group of 20 devices, each named in honor of Ukrainian soldiers who have passed away, has been delivered to the Zaporizhzhia region for deployment at the front.
The inventor stressed the significance of this development in safeguarding the Ukrainian military. The ammunition can efficiently set up mines along the routes used by enemy vehicles and infantry.
Photo: "Podrobytsi"/ video screenshot
"These weapons will aid our defenders in setting up mines along the enemy's attack routes, including those used by armored vehicles. They can be utilized both at the front line and in the enemy's rear," developer Borys, who has experience as a sapper, said.
Volunteers faced difficulties in obtaining the necessary permits and documentation for production.
The smart device can independently decide on eliminating enemy targets and has a self-destruct feature once the task is completed.
At the same time, this ammunition is much cheaper than foreign analogs, but it meets NATO standards.
For reference:
Since the beginning of 2024, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine codified and put into operation about 70 new samples of ammunition for unmanned aerial vehicles.
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