Ukraine refutes accusations of supplying drones to Mali rebels

Ukraine firmly denies the allegations circulating in certain international media outlets about its supposed role in providing unmanned aerial vehicles to rebels in Mali.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated this.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that such accusations, including allegations of cooperation with terrorist groups, are unfounded and far-fetched.

The diplomatic service categorically denied all accusations that periodically come from the mouths of high-ranking officials of the Republic of Mali and the Republic of Niger regarding the alleged involvement of Ukraine in:

  • "cooperation with terrorists,"
  • "supplying terrorists with weapons and providing them with information,"
  • "Ukraine's support for the terrorist coalition," etc.

Ukraine also regrets the decision of Mali and Niger to break diplomatic relations with the country, noting that such actions are based on unconfirmed assumptions. Kyiv categorically denies any involvement in supplying weapons to terrorists or supporting their activities.

"Once again, we emphasize that Ukraine remains committed to the further development of mutually beneficial relations with all African states based on equality, non-interference in internal affairs, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries within internationally recognized borders, strict adherence to international law, the Goals and Principles of the UN Charter," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized in its statement.

It is important to note that since the beginning of the Russian invasion, Ukraine was the first to initiate the creation of a monitoring and control system for weapons supplied by Western partners. For more than two years of the war, not a single case of inappropriate use of weapons was recorded.

"In the context of the groundless accusations of the governments of Mali and Niger against Ukraine, we call on you to stop spreading false information that repeats the false propaganda narratives of the aggressor state Russia, aimed at discrediting our state and justifying the unprovoked, unjustified and illegal war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. We reserve the right to defend Ukraine's honor, dignity, and legitimate interests by all available political and diplomatic means," the diplomatic agency emphasized.

For reference:

The statement from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry was in response to an article in the French publication Le Monde, which reported on Ukraine's alleged backing of the Malian rebels. According to the article, some rebel members visited Ukraine to receive training in constructing and operating small drones equipped with explosives.

In addition, training allegedly continued in Mali. Le Monde cites the words of a source close to the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which confirms the training of Malians by Ukraine.

"The CSP group came to train with us in Ukraine, and an even larger group of our instructors went there [to the Sahel] and are still there. The line remains the same: we will fight Wagner [PMC – ed.] and its followers wherever they are," the interlocutor of the publication said.

At the same time, the interlocutor called it a "diplomatic mistake," referring to the words of Ukraine's intelligence representative Andrii Yusov, who acknowledged Ukraine's support for the rebels on the telethon air. Then, he said that the rebels received "information and not only information" that allowed them to defeat the Wagner group mercenaries.

In addition, the journalists recall the Wagner group's defeat in Mali at the end of July. They note that the rebels' victory was made possible, particularly thanks to the use of Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drones.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry rejected accusations that Ukraine was involved in the supply of drones to rebels in Mali. It also denies that Ukraine transfers weapons and military equipment to the Sahel region, which are supplied to it by its allies to fight against Russia.

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