Photo: Screenshot from the movie "Porcelain War"
This was reported on the Critics Choice Documentary Awards website.
The tape, which tells the story of Kharkiv artists who stayed in Ukraine during the war and decided to fight for their land, is presented in categories:
The movie portrays the stories of Ukrainian ceramic artists Slava, Ania, and Andrii, who, amidst the chaos of war, opt to stay and fight instead of evacuating. They turn their creativity into a form of symbolic resistance.
Photo: Screenshot from the movie "Porcelain War"
Documentary Critics Association Vice President Christopher Campbell praised this year's nominees for offering new ways of seeing the world and deepening understanding of difficult stories.
"This year's nominated films and series offered us new ways to see the world, celebrate our heroes, and better understand difficult histories," Christopher Campbell said. "We are excited to honor so many exceptional documentaries as we continue to recognize diverse voices and styles within the realm of nonfiction storytelling."
The Critics Choice Documentary Awards will take place on November 10, and the ceremony will be available to watch online.
For reference:
It should be noted that the fifth Ukrainian Film Festival Berlin will take place in the German capital from October 24 to 27. The festival's slogan is "The Art of Being Free." Two restored versions of Serhii Parajanov's films will be screened.
Also, Ukrainian poet, translator, and musician Ella Yevtushenko presented a new cultural project – "Anthology of Ukrainian lullabies," which included 18 authentic Ukrainian lullabies in her original arrangement.
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