Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Rubryka reports, citing the agency, that the training marked an important milestone in the ongoing partnership with Poland and helped improve the professional skills of Ukrainian rescuers.
Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine
During the intensive course, operational teams and logistics experts came together to prepare for re-certification under the international INSARAG standards (International Search and Rescue Advisory Group).
Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine
This training was the second phase of a joint Ukrainian-Polish initiative aimed at improving the heavy-class search and rescue team known as MRC Ukraine.
Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Throughout the training, participants:
A particular focus was placed on getting ready for the re-certification set for September 2025, which will confirm that Ukrainian rescuers can operate at a high standard internationally.
Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine
The training in Poland proved to be a valuable experience for the Ukrainian rescuers. It not only improved their professional skills but also created new opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from around the world.
Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine
"Ukrainian rescuers showcased remarkable expertise and readiness to work according to the latest global standards. This is another crucial step toward re-certification under INSARAG and toward integrating Ukrainian rescue services into the global emergency response," Ukraine's emergency service stated.
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