Solutions from Ukraine: new training program empowers 250 Ukrainian female survivors of gender-based violence with career skills

The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, along with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is currently carrying out two significant projects to address domestic and gender-based violence the "EMBRACE" and "AMBER" initiatives.

The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine reported that.

As the department noted, these projects are aimed at supporting women who have suffered from violence through economic assistance and career development.

Thus, the "AMBER" project aims to create a successful strategy for addressing gender-based violence within communities.

Since the beginning of 2024, 256 women have participated in the "Gender Equality and Building a Successful Career" and "Laboratory of Business Skills" trainings. These trainings helped participants gain important tools for career development or opening their own businesses, which increased their economic independence.

It is noted that also in the first half of 2024, UNFPA conducted trainings for 51 members of employment centers on the topic "Employment support for women and girls who have suffered from gender-based violence."

Photo: Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

"Representatives of employment centers familiarized themselves with algorithms for working with women who have suffered from gender-based violence and other vulnerable categories – women with disabilities and elderly women.

This algorithm differs from the general employment algorithm by the presence of a wide range of barriers that prevent being competitive in the labor market and getting a suitable job," the ministry explained.

During the training, there was a strong focus on helping women overcome the effects of motivational and psychological barriers when offering employment services.

Along with providing employment guidance, the staff at the employment centers also learned about referring women to specialized services for addressing violence.

"The transformation of the employment center into a place where women and girls can strengthen their economic capacity and break the cycle of violence is an important pillar for creating effective mechanisms for the prevention of domestic violence at the community level," the department emphasized.

For reference:

It should be noted that representatives of the Ministry of Defense met with NATO partners as part of the "Changemakers" educational program. During the meeting, the parties discussed topics related to implementing the principles of gender equality in Ukraine's armed forces.

Furthermore, starting now, Ukrainian high school students will attend "Defense of Ukraine" classes without gender distinctions.

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