Simulator for mobile air defense groups, 2024. Photo: U-Force Company
Militarnyi reports this.
What is the solution?
As Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov stressed at the Defense Tech Valley summit, in the past two and a half years, Ukraine has seen:
Furthermore, Ukraine is developing a variety of simulators to test defense technologies and corresponding infrastructure.
One of the technical solutions presented at the summit was U-Force's innovative simulator for mobile air defense groups.
How does it work?
U–Force's latest simulator uses advanced VR technologies and is based on the Browning M2 large-caliber machine gun.
The company emphasized that it allows the military to train in conditions as close as possible to real combat operations and is part of a large-scale project being developed by U-Force to improve the level of training of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.
Simulator for mobile air defense groups, 2024. Photo: U-Force Company
The simulator can simulate various weather conditions, times of day, and locations. It also offers training capabilities for nighttime scenarios using thermal imaging and searchlights.
Some key features of this include:
The realism of the image in the 2024 mobile air defense group simulator. Photo: U-Force company
The developers stressed that the simulator has already garnered positive reviews from military experts and investors who attended the summit. The company also emphasized that this is just the first step in a multifaceted project to modernize the training of Ukraine's Defense Forces personnel.
For reference:
Defense Tech Valley allowed government agency officials, Security and Defense Forces members, and businesses to collaborate in the creation of advanced technologies that can enhance Ukraine's defense capabilities.
The event was attended by 1,300 participants, including over 100 investors worldwide and 650 Ukrainian and international developers from over 250 teams.
All Ukrainian teams presented their developments to potential investors and to other participants of the event over two days.
On the first day, 28 teams presented innovative solutions in defense technologies, from UAVs and guidance systems based on machine vision technology to robotic complexes and artillery detection systems.
The Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, has announced that Ukraine will begin issuing grants for missile production already in 2024. Additionally, grants for powder factories are planned for the following year.
Previously, Rubryka reported that the Ukrainian company Skiftech produced a tactical simulator called the AGS–17. Currently, the military is conducting initial tests on the first assembly of the grenade launcher.
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