Ukrainian veterans set new national record with sailing race in Kyiv

In Kyiv, a regatta for war veterans called "Victory Sails" took place at one of the yacht clubs. During the competition, the participants achieved a new Ukrainian record.

The head of the Darnytsky District State Administration, Mykola Kalashnyk, reported this.

The regatta, jointly organized with the charitable foundation Rehabilitation of Society, united approximately 150 families of combatants receiving medical treatment or rehabilitation.

Photo: Telegram channel of Mykola Kalashnyk

Record of Ukraine

Nearly 30 ships participated in the competition. Thanks to the high number of participants, the event set a national record for having the largest number of war veterans in a sailing regatta.

Photo: Telegram channel of Mykola Kalashnyk

After the sports competition, the participants:

  • tried a field kitchen,
  • received treats for the children,
  • and gifts from the event sponsors.

Photo: Telegram channel of Mykola Kalashnyk

Photo: Telegram channel of Mykola Kalashnyk

"Sailing is globally recognized as a beneficial means of promoting mental well-being, achieving life balance, and finding emotional solace. It holds particular importance for our military personnel who are undergoing physical rehabilitation and healing from the deep emotional wounds of their past horrible experiences," Mykola Kalashnyk wrote.

Photo: Telegram channel of Mykola Kalashnyk

For reference:

It should be noted that two-year-old Ania Yakymchuk from the Odesa region set a Ukrainian swimming record in the nomination "The youngest child who overcame the distance of 50 meters in freestyle".

In addition, children in Lviv set a new national record by making a drone with a wingspan of five meters from 800 yellow and blue cupcakes.

It was also reported that Oleksandr Vashchuk, a former Paralympian who cannot walk, set the Ukrainian national record for pull-ups on the horizontal bar.


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