The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported that.
American analysts report that Russian forces have lost at least five armored divisions since they began their offensive operation to capture Avdiiivka in October 2023, as well as during increased offensive operations in the western Donetsk region this summer.
According to experts at the Institute, users of social network X, who monitor visually confirmed losses of Russian equipment in Ukraine, have reported that the Russian army has lost 1,830 units of heavy equipment in the Pokrovsk district since October 9, 2023.
"The X user's assessment based on visually confirmed vehicle losses is likely conservative given that not all Russian vehicle losses are visually documented. The actual number of Russian vehicle losses in the Pokrovsk area is likely higher than reported," ISW believes.
The summary suggests that Russian military leaders may be unwilling or unable to recognize the growing number of military equipment losses over the next several months and years. This is due to various factors, such as:
Experts have observed that over the past year, the Russian military has only made about a 40-kilometer advancement on the Avdiivka and Pokrovsk fronts. The ongoing loss of five or more divisions' worth of equipment for such small gains cannot be sustained unless there are significant changes in Russia's capacity to fund its war efforts.
"The Russian military command's willingness to pursue limited tactical advances in exchange for significant armored vehicle losses will become increasingly costly as Russian forces burn through finite Soviet-era weapons and equipment stocks in the coming months and years," the Institute emphasized.
The ISW added that Russia is likely to try to adequately provide its units with material resources in the long term without shifting the Russian economy to military lines and significantly increasing the pace of Russian defense industrial production, a step that Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin has so far tried to avoid.
ISW key findings as of October 6:
As reported, the losses of the Russian army in Ukraine this week amount to 8,660 soldiers and 1,540 units of weapons and military equipment.
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