Ukraine can produce four million drones annually – Zelensky

Ukraine is capable of producing a total of four million drones each year. Currently, over 1.5 million UAVs have been ordered.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said this at the opening of the Second International Defense Industries Forum.

"The total number of drones that we can produce annually in Ukraine is 4 million, and more than one and a half million have already been contracted," the head of state said.

During the speech, he noted that the Defense Forces use an entirely new class of Ukrainian weapons – the long-range missile-drone "Palianytsia."

The President also noted that other types of Ukrainian long-range drones and missiles are in operation.

"Marine drones are working to protect Ukraine. Our new ballistic missile has successfully passed flight tests; everyone can see how our Neptune missiles work," the president said.

In addition, he reported that domestic enterprises of the defense-industrial complex increased the production of artillery ammunition.

"In the harsh conditions of a full-scale war under constant Russian strikes, Ukrainians were able to build a virtually new defense industry. Today, everyone can see this new Ukrainian capability.

Only in the first half of this year produced Ukraine 25 times more ammunition for artillery and mortars than in the whole of 2022," Zelensky said.

For reference:

In August, it was reported that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has codified and approved twice as many samples of Ukrainian-made weapons and military equipment for use in Ukraine's armed forces units compared to last year. This number exceeded 200 samples in 2023.

Specific samples of weapons made in Ukraine possess unique characteristics, demonstrated through their successful utilization in battle. Specifically, several drone models have solidified Ukraine's position as a global leader.

Recently, the adviser to the president on strategic issues, Oleksandr Kamyshin, announced that Ukraine has started its production of 155-mm artillery shells.

On August 24, during the Independence Day celebrations, Zelensky announced the first successful combat use of the Ukrainian "Palianytsia" drone-missile.

Also, during a press conference at the "Ukraine 2024. Independence" forum on August 27, the President said that Ukraine had successfully tested a ballistic missile of domestic production for the first time.

Also, the Ukrainian army began receiving new batches of 5.45×39 mm and 5.56×45 mm ammunition, which are manufactured at local production facilities. This is a significant step in restoring the independent production of ammunition, which was lost after the occupation of the Luhansk cartridge factory in 2014.

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