
Solutions to win: Ukrainian school in Lithuania raises €3,700 for Ukraine’s armed forces through charity fair

The International Ukrainian School of Lithuania students raised over 3,700 euros for Ukraine's armed forces through their charity school fair, "Golden Autumn 2024."

The Lithuanian public broadcaster LRT reported that.

At the institution's charity event, which has become a beloved tradition, the children proudly presented their own handmade items, patriotic souvenirs, homemade baked goods, and other delicious treats.


As a gesture of respect towards Ukrainian defenders, schoolchildren also coordinated a themed flash mob. They filmed videos expressing gratitude towards the soldiers at the frontline and shared them on social media.

Photo: .lrt.lt

"The charity fair was a great opportunity for students, parents, and everyone willing to come together for a common good cause," the International Ukrainian School of Lithuania director, Olena Vnukovska, said. "Our heroes on the front lines need support, and we, being abroad, can help them in this difficult time."

Photo: .lrt.lt

For reference:

It should be noted that the "First Ukrainian School" in Poland for Ukrainian schoolchildren displaced due to Russia's war was recognized as one of the top three schools in the "Overcoming Adversity" category by the World Best School Prizes. This award, which has been running annually since 2022, receives thousands of applications from over 100 countries as schools strive to showcase their positive impact on society and vie for a $10,000 grant. The school's focus on the issue of education accessibility for refugees is highlighted through their activities as they work towards finding solutions for this problem.

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