
United to win: Romania’s parliament votes to establish naval training center for Ukrainian military

During a joint plenary session, the Romanian Parliament backed President Klaus Iohannis' proposal to establish a naval training facility in the country to train the Ukrainian military.

Stiripesurse reported that.

233 parliamentarians supported this decision; 18 were "against," and 25 abstained.

In a letter to the parliament, Iohannis wrote that the latest events in the war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine emphasized the need to intensify and diversify the training of Ukraine's armed forces.

"As a result of the conducted analysis, it became clear that Romania has the opportunity to make its contribution to the Coalition of Naval Forces and Means by placing a naval training center on its territory, as well as to support the process of training the Ukrainian marines within the limits of the available capabilities," the message reads.

The plan involves running the center for two years, with Romania having the option to end its commitment at any point during or after the training period. Contributions from the global community will back the center's operations, and during the initial phase, financial and planning assistance will be entirely provided by Great Britain.

For reference:

On September 18, President Klaus Iohannis asked the parliament to approve the creation of a specialized training center on Romanian territory for training Ukrainian marines.

As Rubryka reported, in September, the first group of Ukrainian pilots began training on F-16 fighters at the 86th air base in Romania.

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