The fighters of the Special Operations Forces reported on Telegram that they had demonstrated the drone's functionality in actual combat situations.
The advanced drone plays a crucial role in aiding special forces with surveillance, reducing the potential dangers to personnel, and effectively preserving resources. Additionally, the Black Hornet enables thorough monitoring of all enemy premises.
The Black Hornet is a revolutionary creation by the Norwegian company Prox Dynamics. It weighs just 18 grams and can function for 25 minutes without needing to be recharged. Additionally, its flight capabilities span about 2 kilometers.
The drone's main propeller is 120 mm in diameter and can reach speeds exceeding 20 km/h.
Fighters observe that the drone operates with remarkable silence and practically goes unnoticed while carrying out its tasks. It can only be seen from a distance of 50 meters against the sky and no more than 20 meters against walls or trees, making it a perfect reconnaissance tool in urban settings.
The drone, tablet, and remote control have been equipped with a secure fastening system to optimize portability. This is all to provide military personnel with convenience and ensure the highest-quality results.
While the price of this drone may be considerable – with a kit that can run upwards of tens of thousands of dollars – its value is well worth it. The Black Hornet allows the military to thoroughly survey buildings, landing areas, and other challenging locations, ultimately ensuring the unit's safety during combat missions.
For reference:
In August 2022, Norway and Great Britain joined forces to purchase Norwegian-made Black Hornet micro-drones to transfer to Ukraine.
The package included spare parts, transport, and training for Black Hornet systems. Funding was provided through a British-led fund to which Norway contributed 400 million kroner.
The drone developed in Norway is used in several NATO-allied countries, including the United States and Britain, for reconnaissance and target identification.
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