Solutions from Ukraine: Ministry of Education implements mandatory English learning for preschoolers in all kindergartens

Beginning in 2026, all kindergartens in Ukraine will teach English to children aged 56.

The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Yevheniia Smirnova, reported that in an interview with ZN.UA.

What is the problem?

Preschool is considered an important factor in Ukraine's integration into Europe. According to Council of Europe guidelines, all EU countries should aim for 96% enrollment in preschool education for three—to six-year-old children.

To reach this high rate, Ukraine will have to make several changes, including implementing the new law on preschool education.

On June 6, the Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine's parliament – ed.] adopted the new Law of Ukraine, "On Preschool Education," and on July 5 of this year, it was signed by the President. However, the law will enter into force on July 7, 2025.

What is the solution?

As per the "Law on the Use of the English Language in Ukraine," signed by the President on June 4, 2024, children between the ages of five and six will start learning English in all preschools across the country from September 2026.

How does it work?

As the official explains, the ministry has developed an algorithm for training educators who currently work in kindergartens to teach English.

Free English language courses are available for beginners or those with minimal experience speaking English.

Furthermore, in collaboration with partners, the ministry:

  • hosted classes on methods for teaching English to young children;
  • compiled a collection of materials for educators to utilize in preschool lessons;
  • developed a guide with suggestions for organizing and delivering practical classes to young learners.

"These are not all initiatives, and we are gradually moving towards providing each preschool education institution with educators who will teach English," Smirnova stressed.

For reference:

It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine will be inaugurating a kindergarten for the children of its employees by the end of October. This facility will provide a safe and supervised environment for the children while their parents work.

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