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Rubryka reports with reference to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
Experts highlighted that Western officials are increasingly emphasizing China's role in supporting Russia's military operations. Notably, analysts referenced a report by The Times exposing that a Chinese company had sent military drones to Russia for testing and potential use by Russian forces in Ukraine.
A Western official revealed that last year, a Chinese company signed an agreement with Russia, providing clear evidence that Chinese firms are supplying lethal weapons to the Russian Federation for use in Ukraine. This official also confirmed a Reuters report from September 25, which disclosed a secret Russian weapons program in China aimed at developing long-range strike UAVs for deployment against Ukraine.
The ISW report further mentions US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's statement from September 27, where he noted that about 70% of Russia's imports of machine tools and 90% of microelectronics come from China and Hong Kong. Russia utilizes these imports to produce missiles, armored vehicles, and ammunition. Blinken criticized China's actions, saying they don't "add up" to Beijing's claims of wanting peace in Ukraine, as Chinese companies continue to aid Russia's war effort.
"The PRC has repeatedly attempted to depict itself as a neutral mediator in the war in Ukraine, and continued reports of PRC aid to Russia's war effort undermine this claim," the ISW stated.
On September 27, The Times reported that Western officials believe there is substantial evidence of secret Chinese weapon supplies to Russia for use in Ukraine.
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