US carefully examines Ukraine’s victory plan, considering additional actions if necessary

The administration of President Joe Biden is "carefully studying" the Ukrainian victory plan presented by President Volodymyr Zelensky, according to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

He made this statement during a press conference in New York, as reported by the Ukrainian service of Voice of America.

Blinken emphasized that President Biden is "very clearly committed to the success of Ukraine." He also noted that the US has significantly increased its support for Ukraine, announcing an aid package worth over $8 billion.

"We have taken important steps to support the people of Ukraine, who continue to defend themselves against ongoing Russian aggression and their right to decide their own future," Blinken stated. He added that this funding will be sufficient until the end of the current administration's term.

When asked whether Ukraine would receive permission to strike deep into Russian territory with Western weapons, Blinken said Washington is considering "additional actions" to help Ukraine achieve victory.

"We are studying this very carefully, including what we or other partners of Ukraine should do if additional actions are necessary," he emphasized. Blinken reiterated that President Biden is committed to ensuring Ukraine has what it needs for effective defense, saying, "Every step of the way, we've adapted to the needs, and I'm sure we'll continue to do that."

What is known About Ukraine's victory plan

President Volodymyr Zelensky has articulated a vision for a Victory Plan aimed at ending the war while simultaneously strengthening Ukraine's capabilities on the battlefield. He believes that sustained pressure on Russia could compel it to seek a diplomatic settlement.

Zelenskyi elaborated that the Victory Plan includes retaining Russian territory, which he sees as integral to achieving a reliable peace and fully implementing the "peace formula." He emphasized that this plan is inclusive, open to all countries, including Russia, which could also participate in a second peace summit.

"This plan is about Ukraine, about our soldiers. It's concise, and in my view, that's beneficial. Each aspect will depend on President Biden's decision," Zelensky mentioned during a conversation with American journalist Farid Zakaria.

On September 27, Zelensky announced that he had presented this Victory Plan to the United States and that the Ukrainian team would now work on fulfilling each step at the operational level. He previously shared the plan with former President Donald Trump and had also briefed President Joe Biden and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

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