Solutions to win: Ukrainian engineers create drone equipped with grenade launcher and machine gun

A ground drone named "Hnom" [dwarf – ed.] was developed and tested in Ukraine. It was equipped with anti-tank grenade launchers and a machine gun.

Militarnyi reported that.

What is the problem?

The armed forces need more advanced technology to enhance non-contact warfare capabilities and minimize losses through remote control.

What is the solution?

Engineers in Ukraine recently conducted tests on the "Hnom" ground platform, which features anti-tank grenade launchers and a machine gun. The drone was also outfitted with a mine-dropping system, allowing it to deploy anti-tank mines effectively.

Photo: TEMERLAND company

"This platform serves not only as a means of fire support but also for deploying mines, transporting injured personnel, and demining anti-personnel mines," the company said.


How does it work?

Tests of the device were carried out before sending it to the front. Later, the military will assess the machine's performance.


  • Weight: 88 kilograms;
  • speed: 5.5 km/h;
  • payload: 40 kilograms;
  • control range: 2000 meters.

Photo: TEMERLAND company

The company also mentioned that these drones can operate near electronic warfare equipment.

According to the developers' plan, "Hnom" will increase the degree of non-contact warfare and, as a result, reduce the level of losses due to the possibility of remote control.

For reference:

Temerland designs and creates unmanned robotic systems and platforms and upgrades vehicles to unmanned ground systems. These cutting-edge unmanned robotic systems are intended to safeguard and preserve human life and serve as valuable assets in warfare, carrying out tasks such as reconnaissance, patrols, and offensive and defensive operations.

It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Defense has approved the supply of Ukraine's armed forces with a unique amphibious all-terrain vehicle called TAKHA.

In May, tests of the robotic platform "Solomandra" from TEMERLAND, which should help with demining, took place in Ukraine.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Defense has just declared that Ukraine's military has officially taken the new Black Widow drone bomber into use.

Previously, the head of the Ukrainian Security Service announced the production of a one-of-a-kind marine surface drone known as "Sea Baby" in Ukraine. The production facilities for these drones are based in Ukraine but are underground.

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