79% of Ukrainians prefer to remain in Ukraine, even despite potentially acquiring EU or US citizenship – survey

Most Ukrainians would still choose to live in Ukraine, even if they were automatically granted citizenship in the United States or European Union countries.

A recent study by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), conducted at the beginning of September 2024, evidences this.

KIIS conducted an all-Ukrainian public opinion poll called an "Omnibus" using telephone interviews from September 1 to 6, 2024.

Sociologists asked, "Would you move to live in the USA or the EU if you were granted citizenship without conditions?".

Photo: KIIS

As noted by sociologists, 79% of respondents said that they would not move to live in the USA or Europe even if they received citizenship. Only 19% expressed a desire to change their country of residence:

  • among young people (under the age of 30), 74% of respondents said that they would stay in Ukraine;
  • among people aged 30-44, this figure was 75%.

Photo: KIIS

Gender distribution of results

The study also revealed a significant difference in the attitude of men and women to moving abroad:

  • 70% of men said they would stay in Ukraine, while 27% are ready to leave;
  • among women, 80% want to stay, while only 18% would choose to move.

Sociologists emphasized that these results show that men's desire to go abroad cannot be connected only with mobilization.


"The vast majority of Ukrainian men of mobilization age would not want to leave Ukraine even if they had legal options," experts emphasized.

Comparison with previous years

The study shows that Ukrainian patriotism remained high, although the percentage of those willing to stay in the country decreased compared to previous years.

Thus, in September 2022, against the background of heightened patriotism and optimism, 91% of Ukrainians said they would stay in the Motherland, while only 7% intended to go abroad.

Instead, in 2020, the most significant number of Ukrainians expressed a desire to leave — 28% of respondents were ready to change their residence.

The survey shows that, despite challenging economic and social circumstances, Ukrainians remain loyal to their country and see their future in Ukraine.

For reference:

1022 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed in the territories under the control of Ukraine's government. The statistical sampling error did not exceed 4.1% for indicators close to 50%, 3.5% for indicators close to 25%, 2.5% for indicators close to 10%, and 1.8% for indicators close to 5%.

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