Lithuanian president and Latvian PM arrive in Kyiv for Summit of the Crimean Platform

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda and Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina arrived in Kyiv on September 11 for a working visit. The visit is scheduled to end on September 13, when both leaders will participate in the Crimean Platform Summit.

The press service of the Latvian government and the Lithuanian leader reported that.

As stated, Silina will meet with Ukrainian officials and participate in discussions about providing additional military, political, humanitarian, and financial aid to Ukraine. The discussions will also include Ukraine's path to becoming a member of the European Union and NATO.

The Prime Minister of Latvia emphasized the importance of supporting the Ukrainian people, who "heroically and selflessly defend themselves from evil," protecting their land and European values ​​and security.

According to her, Latvia clearly and unwaveringly supports Ukraine in the fight against the aggressor.

In her turn, Silina published a video of her arrival in the capital of Ukraine on the Twitter social network.

"Morning in Kyiv. Latvia will be with the Ukrainian people until their victory and will always support Ukraine on the way to the European Union and NATO! Glory to Ukraine!" she wrote.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda also came to Kyiv for the Summit of the Crimean Platform.

Nauseda noted that providing military and economic support to Ukraine is crucial for protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Lithuanian leader also plans to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky.

For reference:

It should be noted that on September 9, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the Summit of the Crimean Platform, which will be held on Wednesday, September 11.

The Summit of the Crimean Platform is an international event initiated by Ukraine, the purpose of which is to consolidate the efforts of the international community to de-occupy Crimea, restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and increase pressure on Russia. Legal, economic, political, and humanitarian ways of returning Crimea to Ukrainian control are discussed at the summit.

It is worth adding that the last Summit of the Crimean Platform was held in the Czech Republic on October 23 last year. Almost 70 parliaments and parliamentary assemblies representing five continents took part in it.

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