Фото: Associated Press
The Ukrainian Embassy in Italy published the corresponding letter, according to Rubryka.
The ambassador expressed that Kyiv was "shocked by the decision of the festival's jury" in Venice to select 'Russians at War' for screening, calling the film "inappropriate and offensive to the Ukrainian people."
"'Russians at War' is a film that sympathizes with the aggressor while simultaneously devaluing the victims of that aggressor, despite the thousands of Ukrainian lives lost and millions injured by Russian forces," the diplomat stressed.
Melnyk further described the film as "a shameful example of Orwellian manipulation of the truth," reminding that it disregards the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine since 2014. He also emphasized the inappropriateness of showing the film, especially in light of recent tragedies in Poltava, Lviv, and Odesa, where Russian strikes killed dozens of residents.
He added that the film's director, Trofimova, who has a history of personal collaboration with the well-known Russian propaganda channel Russia Today, should raise significant concern within the European cultural community.
The ambassador urged the Venice Film Festival organizers to "condemn the use of art for propaganda and block films that openly promote Russia's war against Ukraine and attempt to whitewash the Kremlin regime's crimes."
The film "Russians at War" was already shown on September 5 at the Venice International Film Festival. The director stated that she spent seven months with a Russian battalion fighting in Ukraine, and was shocked to find that they were "absolutely ordinary guys with families and a sense of humor."
The Consulate General of Ukraine in Toronto has also protested against the planned screening of "Russians at War" at the international film festival taking place there.
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