This was announced by Latvian Defense Minister Andris Spruds during a Ramstein meeting in Germany, as reported by Rubryka, citing Delfi.
According to Spruds, in order to help Ukraine gain an advantage in the use of drones, create reliable supply chains for components, and develop drone production in NATO countries, it is necessary to promote the activities of the drone coalition and share information about innovations in UAVs.
He emphasized that the summit in Latvia will be a gathering place for coalition leadership, experts from various countries, state representatives, and the drone industry.
The Defense Minister also noted that Latvia has signed an agreement with Ukraine to train the Ukrainian military in drone piloting. Additionally, by 2025, Latvia will allocate €20 million to the drone coalition.
Spruds urged Ramstein members to support Ukraine by supplying drones and contributing financially to the coalition fund to support the production of new UAVs.
It should be noted that on January 18, the creation of the Coalition of Drones and Radio-Electronic Warfare was reported.
Latvia initiated the coalition's creation, with the idea being announced during a December 2023 meeting between Spruds and Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umyerov.
According to Spruds, the initiative will aid Ukraine's military, as the use of drones has become a key element in combat operations.
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