Rebuilding Ukraine: EU allocates €35 mln in humanitarian aid for Ukraine’s winter preparations

The Russians continue to attack Ukraine's energy infrastructure. The European Union (EU) will allocate a new package of humanitarian aid to Kyiv in the amount of 40 million euros ($44.43 million).

The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, wrote that on Twitter.

Out of the total 40 million euros, 35 million will be allocated for humanitarian projects in Ukraine, while the remaining 5 million euros will assist Ukrainian refugees in Moldova and the surrounding communities.

"Russia is relentlessly attacking Ukraine's energy infrastructure. The temperature will soon drop, so we are stepping up our humanitarian aid to Ukrainians who need it. With a new package of 40 million euros [$44.43 million, – ed.] for repairs, electricity, heating and housing," she wrote.

The primary objective of this funding is to assist Ukraine in preparing for the harsh winter season. The funds will be allocated to repairing damaged buildings, ensuring access to electricity and heating, and providing shelter for the most vulnerable.

In Moldova, the funds will aid the most vulnerable refugees by ensuring their protection and access to essential services and increasing preparedness for potential migrant influxes.

For reference:

The EU has been actively backing Ukraine since the start of the full-scale war with Russia. This support has taken the form of numerous crucial initiatives and measures. For instance, the political alliance offers financial aid to boost the Ukrainian economy and rebuild infrastructure.

Specifically, it offers military support by giving Ukraine weapons, equipment, and other defense resources. This also encompasses training and educating the Ukrainian military.

In addition, the EU introduced economic sanctions against Russia to pressure the Kremlin to stop its aggression.

In August, Ukraine received a tranche of 4.2 billion euros ($4.67 billion) from the EU under the Ukraine Facility program.

As reported, at the meeting of the European Council on February 1, 2024, all 27 leaders of the European Union reached a consensus decision regarding adopting the Ukrainian Fund in the multi-year EU budget for 2024-2027 in the amount of €50 billion. Before that, Hungary blocked the adoption of the decision.

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