This is reported on the White House website.
According to the White House, over 50 individuals lost their lives, and many more were harmed when Russian missiles struck a military training facility and a hospital in Ukraine.
"I condemn this deplorable attack in the strongest possible terms.
This assault is a tragic reminder of Putin's ongoing and outrageous attempts to break the will of a free people. But for two and a half years, the people of Ukraine have stood unbowed. And the United States will continue to stand with them—including providing the air defense systems and capabilities they need to protect their country.
Make no mistake: Russia will not prevail in this war. The people of Ukraine will prevail. And on this tragic day, and every day, the United States stands with them," Biden emphasized.
For reference:
According to local media, two explosions rocked Poltava on September 3, at approximately 9 a.m., before which Ukraine's armed forces' Air Force had announced on its Telegram channel the launch of a missile towards Poltava.
The attack occurred on the premises of the educational institution and the adjacent hospital. In particular, a building at the Institute of Communication sustained partial damage. Some people became trapped under the debris, and some were thankfully rescued. However, the death toll continued to rise.
According to available information, the Russians used two ballistic missiles.
During an evening speech on September 3, President Zelensky announced that the casualties from the Russian attack on a military school in Poltava have risen to a total of 271 injured and 51 killed.
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