Solutions from Ukraine: siren, synchronized with Ukrainian air warning signals, sounds at US festival to spark awareness of war

At the Burning Man festival in Nevada, USA, the siren near the Ukrainian installation "I'm Fine" goes off, synchronized with the air warning signals in different Ukrainian cities.

The Ukrainian Witness reports that on Instagram.

What is the problem?

Given that Russia has been waging a full-scale war against Ukraine for over two and a half years (and a total of 10 years of aggression), it has become increasingly challenging for Ukraine to maintain the world's attention on the matter. Many people abroad are experiencing war fatigue.

Therefore, it is vital for Ukraine to continuously remind its allies and their citizens about the ongoing hostilities and the need for support.

What is the solution?

The siren at the Ukrainian installation called "I'm Fine" went off at the Burning Man festival in Nevada, USA. It was synchronized with air warning signals in various Ukrainian cities to draw attention to the Russian atrocities and its aggressive war.

"This became possible thanks to special technical support and cooperation between the Ukrainian organizers of Ukrainian Witness and the organizers of Burning Man," Ukrainian Witness reports on Instagram.

How does it work?

The siren symbolizes the harsh realities of war. For many festival-goers, this was a profound revelation, as they could truly feel the fear and unrest that Ukrainians confront daily. The artists created an atmosphere that put Burning Man attendees in a similar position as the millions of Ukrainians who must navigate life in a state of war.

The organizers say that the siren will continue to sound during the festival, synchronizing with air raid signals in Ukraine whenever they are announced in different cities.

This allows festival participants to connect with the Ukrainian people, creating a bridge of empathy through art. Festival participants can experience a moment of unity with Ukrainians when the war in Ukraine becomes a tangible reality, even in the Nevada desert.


For reference:

This year at Burning Man in the USA, a team from Ukraine showcased a massive sculpture entitled "I'm Fine." The piece was constructed out of road signs, fences, and gates that were destroyed during the war in various regions of Ukraine.

The artist Oleksii Sai is the author of the sculpture.

The installation consists of many objects damaged by Russian bullets and shells.

Some items among them include shot road signs with the messages "pedestrian crossing" and "watch out for children!" (one of which was captured near a school that the Russians wholly demolished in the Kherson region), fragments of a shopping center in Kherson, pieces of solar panels and transformers, and prominent road signs displaying the names of towns and cities such as Velyka Krynytsia, Kherson, Chernihiv, and Kharkiv.

By the way, the Burning Man festival annually brings in around 80,000 attendees from around the globe.

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