According to Rubryka, which cites Zelensky's interview, the Ukrainian president discussed the issue of oil purchases with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during their meeting. Zelensky emphasized that Ukraine understands how much Russia profits from its oil trade with India and funds the Russian military.
"We can't pressure you; you're an independent country, and this is your government's decision. But I asked Prime Minister Modi to consider this, and we are ready to work together on alternatives. We need to find ways to cut off the financial support that strengthens Russia's armed forces," Zelensky said.
He expressed confidence that if both parties are willing, an agreement can be reached. Zelensky noted that while many export opportunities are closed to Russia, India remains open to trade.
"We discussed this with Modi. The current oil trade with India is aiding the Russian military, and I believe the Indian government understands this. We would be happy to explore alternative options," he added. "This isn't about millions, but billions that go back to Putin and the Russian Federation, which he then uses to fund the war."
Zelensky emphasized that if Putin continues to receive billions from other countries, he won't feel the true cost of the war with Ukraine.
"He must realize that war is expensive and unsustainable, and his society must feel this as well. If his people feel the impact, they will push him towards peace. This is crucial because his society either doesn't understand what's happening or supports him due to the media's influence, which Putin completely controls, including social networks," Zelensky explained.
It's worth noting that on August 23, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made an official visit to Ukraine, his first since Ukraine gained independence in 1991. During this visit, Ukraine and India signed four agreements on cooperation in medicine, agriculture, humanitarian aid, and culture. A joint statement was also issued following the visit.
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