Solutions from Ukraine: Ukrainian company Resq Pods develops innovative capsule for surviving disasters

The Ukrainian company Resq Pods has developed a unique protective capsule designed to withstand various disasters, such as fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, and missile attacks. This innovative solution emerged in response to the challenges Ukraine has faced since the onset of the full-scale Russia's invasion, as well as the recent catastrophic earthquakes in Turkey.

Rubryka reports on this development, citing information from Resq Pods.

What is the solution?

This development was a response to the challenges Ukraine faced following the onset of Russia's aggression and the recent devastating earthquakes in Turkey.

The capsule is specifically designed for critical infrastructure and energy workers who must remain at their posts even during emergency situations.

How does it work?

The development team claims that the capsule offers a 90% chance of survival.

Photo: Resq Pods

The capsule has compact dimensions of 75×75 centimeters in width and 220 centimeters in height, making it easy to place in both residential and non-residential spaces, while considering the architecture of the buildings. The design also takes into account the physiological features of individuals, ensuring maximum comfort and safety.

Photo: Resq Pods

The capsule is equipped with several innovative systems to ensure its functionality in extreme conditions:

  • Ventilation system cleans the air from smoke and dust, providing continuous access to clean air.
  • Automated analysis system monitors carbon dioxide and smoke levels, activating the ventilation system when permissible limits are exceeded.
  • Location sensors help rescuers quickly locate the capsule.
  • Radio communication maintains contact with rescue services and search teams.
  • Seat belts similar to car seat belts protect the spine during a fall.
  • First aid kit includes medical supplies for emergency treatment.
  • Supplies contains food and water to support survival for an extended period.

Photo: Resq Pods

The production of each capsule takes approximately 3-4 days. Every unit undergoes rigorous testing and modernization to ensure maximum reliability.

Photo: Resq Pods

To date, the company has developed its fourth model of the capsule, which has successfully withstood:

  • Falling from a height of two floors
  • Explosions equivalent to 40 kilograms of TNT
  • Fire and high-temperature tests

Resq Pods continues to enhance its design to ensure maximum safety for individuals in emergency situations.

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