
Lithuania pledges over 5,000 drones and expanded military aid to Ukraine

By the end of this autumn, Lithuania plans to deliver more than 5,000 drones to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine as part of its military assistance. Additionally, Vilnius will soon provide Kyiv with various other weapons.

This announcement was made by Prime Minister of Lithuania Ingrida Šimonytė during a joint press conference in Kyiv with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and President of Poland Andrzej Duda, as reported by Rubryka.

Šimonytė also mentioned that a new aid package from Lithuania will be arriving soon. This package will include 10 short-range air defense systems, 30 missiles, anti-drone equipment, other essential gear, and ammunition.

"In addition, we are allocating €35 million for the purchase of radars and demining equipment for Ukraine. By the end of autumn, we aim to provide over 5,000 Lithuanian-made drones," she stated.

Šimonytė further emphasized that the Lithuanian government has committed to spending 0.25% of its GDP annually on aid to Ukraine.

"My government will not only meet this commitment but will also exceed it," she added.

On August 24, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė of Lithuania and President Andrzej Duda of Poland visited Kyiv to participate in the Independence Day celebrations of Ukraine.

During a meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Šimonytė reaffirmed that Lithuania will continue to be a close and reliable partner in Ukraine's fight for independence and justice.

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