Naval forces reported that.
The video shows that an FPV drone dropped ammunition into the enemy warehouse, destroying it.
After the ammunition was dropped, the building containing the shells caught fire and was utterly destroyed.
The military's released video shows a massive explosion and a widespread fire that engulfed the warehouse.
For reference:
Previously, Ukrainian scouts landed on the temporarily occupied Kinburn Spit in the Mykolaiv region. Once there, they attacked Russian fortifications and raised a flag.
Consequently, their actions in combat eliminated six enemy armored vehicles and roughly thirty Russian soldiers. Additionally, Ukrainian scouts planted their battle flag on the outskirts of the "Suvorov Monument" stronghold.
Also, on August 9, special agents of Ukraine's intelligence raided the Kinburn Spit, temporarily occupied by the enemy. Then, it was reported that dozens of Russians and their equipment were destroyed during the operation.
During the mission on the spit, special forces attacked Russian fortifications at their positions "Kinburn Fortress," "Marine Station," and "Suvorov Monument."
As the scouts noted, one can see damage by drones in the footage from the video:
Furthermore, Ivan Tymochko, the leader of the Council of Reservists for the Ukrainian army's Ground Forces, stated that the classified mission carried out by Ukrainian intelligence members during the Tendra Spit operation "should provide a lasting effect."
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