Solutions from Ukraine: Ukrainian Railways introduces sign language announcements at some stations

Sign language notifications can be seen on high-speed trains and on the screens at the Kyiv and Lviv railway stations. These messages provide updates on things such as the air raid alarm, toilet locations, children's areas, and other important information regarding station and train services.

Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian Railways)  reports this.

What is the problem?

One can often come across individuals who are deaf in Ukraine. However, it's essential to recognize that the way people with hearing disabilities are treated in the country is starting to shift.

What is the solution?

Currently, sign language notifications are available on high-speed trains and on the screens at the Kyiv and Lviv railway stations.

Photo: Telegram / Ukrzaliznytsia

The app enables railroad workers to contact a sign language interpreter immediately when needed. Communication occurs via video chat: the worker speaks, and the interpreter translates in real-time through sign language; when a passenger with hearing impairments speaks, the interpreter verbalizes it.

How does it work?

This step is crucial to guaranteeing access to information for individuals with hearing disabilities. Proficient translators from the non-governmental organization Social Unity translated into Ukrainian sign language.

Messages can provide valuable information such as:

  • the start of the air raid alarm,
  • the location of restrooms,
  • designated children's areas,
  • auxiliary services available at stations and aboard trains,
  • and other relevant details.

These updates are part of Ukrzaliznytsia's worldwide barrier-free strategy, designed to establish a secure and easy-to-navigate environment for all passengers.

More than 100 projects have already been implemented in two years, including modernizing stations, renewing rolling stock, introducing new services for people with disabilities, and making inclusive carriages available for online ordering.

Thanks to the partnership with the NGO "Social Unity," staff at various stations in Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Odesa, Kharkiv, Uzhhorod, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Chernivtsi are now equipped with tablets and a specialized app to improve their work in the informational zones.

It provides 24-hour access to sign language interpreters, guaranteeing accessible communication for hearing-impaired passengers.

"The application allows railway employees to call a sign language interpreter as soon as such a need arises. Communication occurs via video: an employee speaks, and the interpreter immediately broadcasts it in sign language; when a passenger with hearing impairment speaks, the interpreter voices it," the message reads.

For reference:

Sign language (SL) is an independent language that consists of hand gestures, facial expressions, and lip articulation. It is incorrect to consider it an adjunct to spoken language or a way of expressing oral speech with gestures.

Many people believe that sign language is an artificial construct, but linguists view both verbal and nonverbal communication as natural developments of the human species. In other words, sign language developed and transformed organically without deliberate design, much like spoken language.

Sign language has a set vocabulary and grammar that dictates the order of gestures in a sentence to convey information effectively. With approximately 150-300 different sign languages globally, it is essential to remember that learning one does not necessarily mean speakers of another will understand you.

Ukrainian Sign Language (USL) is not based on the Ukrainian spoken language. It originates from the Old French language.

The SLAIT school was initially founded as a sign language translator utilizing artificial intelligence. They have now developed an interactive tutor to aid in learning sign language. Students can access lectures, dictionaries, and illustrations.

It was also reported that the Public Organization "Vidchui," in collaboration with Visa, established a Telegram channel for learning Ukrainian sign language.

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