Rubryka writes about this.
The "Do not print receipt" function is already set up for all users of the Silpo mobile app. This means that when customers use the app to pay, they will automatically receive electronic receipts instead of paper ones. One can easily turn this feature on or off whenever they want.
All predictions will also be stored in the application on each of the e-checks.
Why does the chain refuse paper checks?
Silpo prints around 300 million checks or 57,000 km of cash register tape yearly. The majority of paper receipts are thrown away immediately after being used.
Furthermore, the type of paper used to make checks, known as thermal paper, is rarely recycled. On the other hand, electronic checks can be conveniently stored in an application and accessed when needed. It's important to note that paper checks also contain bisphenol A, which can pose a risk to one's health.
An electronic fiscal check has the same legal force as a paper one. It is an official document that confirms the purchase without harming the environment.
It should be noted that in August 2023, the Silpo store offered to replace paper checks with electronic ones.
For reference:
Silpo is a chain of Ukrainian supermarkets established in 1998. It offers both home delivery and self-pickup options. The chain is owned by the trading corporation Fozzy Group.
The network is present in 62 cities in Ukraine and has 296 supermarkets as of the end of 2022.
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